Today is the first day of school and for the past two years, I have put something creative in my daughter’s lunchbox. The first year it was corny jokes with a doodle cartoon. Last year it was letter art of mostly inspirational quotes.
This year – however – she has requested MEMEs. In case you are blissfully unaware what a MEME is, it is usually an image that goes viral that then people put text over.
Today’s comic is a variation of the ‘Loss’ meme which was a comic panel created by web comic artist Tim Buckley for his comic Crtl+Alt+Del.
The comic was about a miscarriage he had sadly experienced with his significant other. The comic was out of character for the normal subject matter, so it caught his fanbase off guard. So, a meme is born.
My daughter was supposed to be in dance class instead of PE this year but she is in PE. I had jokingly told her that she didn’t need dance classes since when she was three that she said she already knew how to dance in response to us asking her if she wanted to take ballet.
Doing this comic I realize I never draw people lying down. It will be something I need to work on for sure.